A wide range of health plan actuarial consulting services.
Serving private, public and provider clients.


Commercial Health Plans

The expertise to improve Large Group results while accommodating the expansion of Small Group into the 51 to 99 employer group.


Government Plans

Expert assistance with rate and risk model analysis for Medicaid and Medicare. Serving plans, federal agencies and state DOIs.


Healthcare Providers

Addressing the diverse and evolving contracting challenges for providers. From design and analysis through implementation.


Actuarial Risk Models & Tools

Establishing plan parameters based on changing regulations. Building in-process checklists and searchable databases.

Senior actuarial management expertise:
To augment and expand internal capabilities.

In addition to performing internal management roles — for example, as temporary Chief Actuary — Horman Actuarial Solutions is experienced in building effective inhouse departments from needs identification through hiring and execution.